Frog & Henry Jazz Swing Band Come To Oxford – Sunday 16th April 2023 from 7pm until Late
Wolvecote Village Hall, 1 Wolvercote Green, Oxford OX2 8AB.
Frog & Henry will be visiting Oxford on 16th April 2023 and are playing a gig in Wolvecote with a bar and a dance floor. For those who don’t know, Frog & Henry are a London based, New Orleans Jazz Swing band and have gathered an impressive reputation playing for dancers in the capital as well as all over swing dance festivals in Europe. They are a seven-piece band who specialise in the New Orleans style of Jazz Swing for dancers and Jazz lovers. The band features Oxford’s own Ewen Bleach who, as many know, is the son of John and Ros from our Wednesday classes.
This is quite a treat for us to have such a great band come and visit us sp close to Summertown as Wolvecote is literally just up the road. The doors open at 7:00pm and the band play at 7:30pm. This makes it a great night out for dancers.
Tickets are £15 each for a full night of music. They can be purchased from For those not familliar with the venue, there is space to dance and a bar. That’s everything most people need for a great night out. Feel free to get proper ‘poshed up’ for a night out of great music and dancing.
Who are Frog & Henry?
Frog and Henry was formed in New Orleans in 2013, as a street performing group. The original formation was a 7-8 piece with cello, violin(s), banjo(s), gtr, tuba, percussion, harmonica, jugs, and guitarron and vocals. The repertoire used to lean more toward stringband, ragtime, and jugband, with a few jazz tunes. As more jazz festivals and swing dance offered themselves, then the repertoire was adapted for those settings and audiences.
This gig is part of a National tour they are currently undertaking and brings one of London’s best bands to Oxford for a night of dancing.
As always full details are on our Swing Dance Calendar.