The Black Country Living Museum have asked us to dance at their Back Home event. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page to register your interest and take part.
9th & 10th July 2022
Back Home Vintage Event
The Black Country Living Museum (BCLM)
Tipton Road
About the BCLM
The Black Country Living Museum is one of a number of regional museums which seek to preserve British social industrial and architectural history. They do this by removing original buildings associated with the region, dismantling them brick by brick and then reassembling them on the site of the museum.
The result is a living and breathing town which is split between different eras of history that shows how people lived and worked in the region. It is often used as a film set and this is also where Peaky Blinders is filmed for BBC television. BCLM boasts a canal dock, a working mine, and buildings which span the Victorian age, War Years and into the 1950s and Sixties, with shops, workshops, pubs, an original Victorian Fish n Chip shop, a steam Fun Fair and all manner of other structures which made up life in the Black Country. If you have never been it is just like walking back in time.
The BCLM also run events and coming up in July is the Back Home Vintage celebration of life in the Black Country during the 1930s and 1940s. We have been asked to provide the music soundtrack and have been offered free tickets to take dancers into the event to show how people danced in the Jazz Age.

More details are on the Black Country Living Museum Website
When are we dancing?
Places are limited and are split into 3 Sessions. These are
Saturday 9th July 2022 daytime (arrive by 9:30am for a 10:00am start until 5:00pm)
Saturday 9th July 2022 evening (arrive by 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start until 10:30pm)
Sunday 10th July 2022 daytime (arrive by 9:30am for a 10:00am start until 5:00pm).
For each slot we have 10 free tickets available (normal cost £24).
Are the any special requirements?
There are certain criteria which you need to take into account.
The first is that we are expected to dress in 1930s/40s vintage style. This is really important as the whole event is designed as an immersive journey back in time. We can help you if you are stuck how to do this so please ask.
The other is that we are there to provide the party atmosphere. Nobody is expected to dance non stop for up to 7 hours but neither is it an excuse to enter and then not dance. We therefore want people who want to help us create the party atmosphere. If members of the public visiting the event can dance it would be great to get them dancing as well.
Are we dancing to recorded music or live music?
We will also provide our own music with the Mini Rig System but there are live artists and performers who will no doubt appreciate us dancing during their set. The artists I know who are appearing include:
- Fiona Harrison
- The D Day Darlings.
If this sounds like fun then please fill in the form below and we will send you more details.
Applications are now closed.